
Founded in 1979, the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) is the pre-eminent force for promoting standards in student affairs, student services, and student development programs. CAS creates and delivers dynamic, credible standards, guidelines, and Self-Assessment Guides that are designed to lead to a host of quality programs and services. CAS aims to foster and enhance student learning, development, and achievement.

CAS Standards respond to student needs, the requirements of sound pedagogy, and the effective management of 47 functional areas and 3 cross-functional areas. Individuals and institutions from over 40 CAS member organizations comprise a constituency of over 115,000 professionals. Representing a significant majority of higher education practitioners in student programs and services throughout the country and beyond, CAS provides tools to higher education leaders assessing institutional effectiveness, student learning, and outcomes.


Statement on CAS Council of Representatives (July 2020) Click Here for more

真三国无双斩锁区、进不去怎么办?真三国无双斩iOS解锁教程:2021-6-16 · 就像Pokemon Go那样,即使挂“梯子”同样不能进入游戏。对三国手游的热爱驱使我费尽一切心思寻求解决办法,功夫不负有心人,终于让我找到了进入游戏的方法。真三国无双斩锁区解决方法 特别提醒 此方法适用于iOS 和 Android平台 教程开始(July 2020)
Click Here for more

CAS Offers 25% Discount off of ALL Resources 
(June 2020).  Click Here for more
初级翻墙-傻瓜式搭建Shadowsocks/R教程(适用于PC、安卓 ...:2021-6-16 · 虽然对于小白来说,“买服务器”可能听起来已经比较复杂,更不用说使用命令行安装服务器软件了,但是其实这一切的工作都可以通过点击鼠标来完成。接下来,我们就介绍如何利用”BandwagonHost”这一家VPS服务器提供商来自建梯子。 2.一个用于支付的付款
(June 2020) [动物森友会系列][我是搬运工] 动物森友会衣服与画板QR码 ...:2021-3-16 · [动物森友会系列][我是搬运工] 动物森友会衣服与画板QR码分享(图片与视频) + 使用教程 + Android app下载(已更新p5系列) 2021-03-02 11:34 Reply to Reply Post by 抠脚的超人 (2021-03-02 10:39) ios应该只能自己转区下载的,网上暂时没看到NSO的ipa。 about recent acts of racism, injustice, and brutality

(March 2020) [X DiVE] 【无需挂梯】大陆入坑流程(登录-游玩-氪金 ...:2021-6-17 · 工具:手机 一、加群,下安装包 加洛家DiVE群524214139,群文件下载最新安装包。 (省去挂梯子注册海外谷歌帐号步骤。大陆谷歌商店没D with information about resources available in response to the disruption caused by COVID-19

[日服相关]日服ios氪金教程 NGA玩家社区:2021-2-23 · [日服相关]日服ios氪金教程 最近非常多萌新入坑pcr(其实我也是刚入坑的),但是因为是属于外服游戏的原因,在氪金的这个过程里需要面对的困难不是一般的多(我这几天因为没人带路已经下了三次五个多g的游戏本体了[s:ac:喷])所以在这里分享一下自己的成功经验,让大伙少走些弯路[s:a2:诶嘿]
 (January 2020)
CAS is excited to announce the release of four revised sets of standards:
- Campus Police and Public Safety
- iphone可以用的梯子
- Leadership Education and Development

- Registrar Services
- Master's Level Higher Education and Student Affairs Professional Preparation Programs

CAS Publishes 10th Edition of CAS Professional Standards
 (June 2019)
On the 40th anniversary of our founding, CAS is pleased to announce the publication of the 10th Edition of CAS Professional Standards for Higher Education, a publication that has become a staple for higher education leaders and practitioners.

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CAS has recently released the first three Cross-Functional Frameworks. These initial frameworks include:
- the Cross-Functional Framework for Advancing Health and Well-Being and Self-Assessment Guide
- the 教程区 - iosGods.cn手游破解论坛:2021-6-11 · iOS学习中心。 这里有黑客,作弊和一般的iOS教程!iOS学习中心。 跳到内容 ... new更新 梅林路由器怎么挂梯子科学上外网教程ss,V2ray,看这篇就够了 最后发表 ... and Self-Assessment Guide
- the Cross-Functional Framework for Identifying and Responding to Behavioral Concerns and Self-Assessment Guide

See also:
- CAS Presidents, past and present, talk about 40 Years of CAS on The HigherEd Live podcast (2019)
- CAS President Gavin Henning launches assessment blog series (2017-2018)

- Check out Using the CAS Professional Standards: Divese Examples of Practice (2017)


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View  all  members >>


In 1979, CAS was established as a consortium - meaning we formed an alliance - of professional associations in higher education. Among the primary goals, member associations were determined to focus on shared values across the field. Consequently, the objectives of CAS are highly focused on professional standards and assessment of practice, which enables members to collaborate around this designated purpose and the processes used to accomplish its mission. Working together for the best interests of the field is in our fabric!